These Thorn Kisses

These Thorn Kisses Saffron A. Kent


These Thorn Kisses (St. Mary's Rebels #3)

Eighteen-year-old, Bronwyn Littleton is in love with a stranger she met on a summer night a year ago.

A stranger who was tall and broad in a way that made her feel safe. He had dark blue eyes that she can't stop drawing in her sketch book. And he had a deep, soothing voice that she can't stop hearing in her dreams.

That's all she knows about him though.

Until she runs into him again. At St. Mary's School for Troubled Teenagers ― an all girls reform school ― where she's trapped because of a little crime she committed in the name of her art.

Now she knows that her dream man has a name: Conrad Thorne.

She knows that his eyes are way bluer and way more beautiful than she thought. And that his face is an artist's wonderland.

But she also knows that Conrad is her best friend's older brother. Which means he's completely off-limits. Not to mention, he's the new soccer coach, which makes him off-limits times two.

What makes him off-limits times three however, and this whole scenario an epic tragedy, is that, Conrad, Wyn’s dream man, has a dream girl of his own.

And he's as much in love with his dream girl as Wyn is in love with him...

NOTE: This is a STANDALONE set in the world of St. Mary’s.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (2)

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These Thorn Kisses
These Thorn Kisses


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Resenhas para These Thorn Kisses (10)

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on 21/5/23

Amei amei amei!!!! gostei tanto desse livro que o third act break up não me incomodou, tanto que eu tava querendo que eles terminassem pro Conrad perceber que é um bobão, e quando eles voltaram eu amei que a Wyn não abaixou a cabeça e fez ele perceber q é um bobão por si só! meu segundo livro favorito dessa série... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.9 / 105
ranking 31
ranking 48
ranking 13
ranking 6
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
11/11/2021 21:46:47
editou em:
08/06/2022 17:34:45

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