A Gorgeous Villain

A Gorgeous Villain Saffron A. Kent


A Gorgeous Villain (St. Mary's Rebels #2)

Two years ago, Reed Jackson betrayed Calliope Thorne and broke her heart. So she stole his most prized possession ― a white mustang ― and drove it into the lake for revenge.

Now, Callie is stuck at a reform school while Reed is off at college, living his life without repercussions.

Until he comes back.

With him comes back all the feelings that Callie has been trying to bury: anger and heartbreak.

But most of all, desire. At the sight of his beautiful but lying lips and his gunmetal gray eyes that still taunt and smolder when he looks at her.

Whatever though. It's not as if Callie is ever going to fall for her ex-boyfriend again. Or let him corner her in a bar one night and touch her, kiss her...

Neither is she going to kiss him back. Or worse, sleep with him.

Because that would make her naïve and foolish.

Oh, and also pregnant.

And there's no way Callie is ever going to get pregnant at eighteen and with Reed's baby, no less. The guy she hates.

The guy who taught her all about heartbreak. Who might look like a gorgeous hero but really is the villain of her story.

NOTE - This book is a STANDALONE set in the world of St. Mary's

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (2)

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A Gorgeous Villain
A Gorgeous Villain


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on 7/6/21

Se a autora tivesse cortado umas 100 páginas o livro teria sido bem melhor. Santo Deus, quanto repetição! A Callie num blá-blá-blá mental eterno de como o Reed é lindo, e como ele é um vilão?e o que dizer dos órgãos sexuais sendo referidos em terceira pessoa? Saffron Kent elevou a outro nível (chato vale ressaltar) a putaria poética. Essa série parece que vai ser construída a base de: caras sendo insistentemente babacas e meninas bobinhas correndo atrás deles. Pensei que a Callie seri... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 183
ranking 31
ranking 33
ranking 22
ranking 10
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
22/05/2021 14:36:33
editou em:
13/07/2023 16:59:36

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