The Boys, Vol. 3: Good For The Soul

The Boys, Vol. 3: Good For The Soul Garth Ennis


The Boys, Vol. 3: Good For The Soul

In The Boys, Vol. 3: Good for the Soul, everyone has something to get off their chest: Frenchie and the Female are up to something nasty with the Mafia, Mother's Milk goes to see his mom, Annie January wants a word with God himself, and Butcher enjoys yet another ghastly tryst with CIA Director Rayner.

The Legend, meanwhile, offers to tell Hughie everything he wants to know about The Boys - all Hughie has to do is take a walk with the dead. And in "I Tell You No Lie, G.I.", the beans are spilled: sixty years of Vought American's superhero agenda for America, with every dirty trick, shady deal and black operation since World War II revealed at last. The Boys, meanwhile, confront the Seven on the site of the superheroes' greatest failure. The worst secret of all is what really happened early one September morning, not so long ago in New York City.

The Boys, Vol. 3: Good for the Soul collects issues 15-22 of The Boys by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson!

Ficção / HQ, comics, mangá / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Boys, Vol. 3: Good For The Soul
The Boys, Vol. 3: Good For The Soul


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Resenhas para The Boys, Vol. 3: Good For The Soul (1)

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The Boys Volume 3
on 26/7/22

4.25?? Esse foi bem carregado de informação. Contaram a historia dos supes, e ainda teve a cena do avião, que meu deus do ceu, pessimo. Coitada da Starlight, e o Hughie é muito lerdinho, ás vezes.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 39
ranking 31
ranking 56
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cadastrou em:
28/07/2009 17:15:45
João Vicente
editou em:
10/08/2018 03:44:57

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