The Boys, Vol. 4: We Gotta Go Now

The Boys, Vol. 4: We Gotta Go Now Garth Ennis...


The Boys, Vol. 4: We Gotta Go Now

The fourth Dynamite collection of Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson's The Boys is here! All is not well with mysterious millionaire John Godolkin's band of misfits. Silver Kincaid, one of the original G-Men, has just committed suicide in the most public and grotesque way imaginable. That's not good news for Vought-American's number one franchise, with G-Force, G-Coast, G-Style, G-Wiz, the G-Brits and the G-Nomads all depending on their slice of the G-pie.

There's far too much at stake for anyone to go poking around the G-Mansion now. Who knows what dirty secrets might be waiting down there in the dark? So it's just too bad that Butcher, Hughie, Mother's Milk, the Frenchman and the Female have decided to do precisely that. Even if they risk finally biting off much, much more than they can chew.

The Boys, Vol. 4: We Gotta Go Now collects issues 23-30 of the acclaimed series and features a complete cover gallery including all of the alternate covers from the run (along with the covers by Darick Robertson, John Cassaday, Howard Chaykin, Garry Leach, David Lloyd, Dave Gibbons, Carlos Ezquerra, Steve Dillon and Jim Lee!

Ficção / HQ, comics, mangá / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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The Boys, Vol. 4: We Gotta Go Now


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Resenhas para The Boys, Vol. 4: We Gotta Go Now (1)

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The Boys volume 4
on 27/7/22

4.25?? Depois do primeiro esse foi meu favorito, ainda quero ver mais dos Seven. Gosto da relação do Frenchie com a Female, não sei se vai ter mais historia do Frenchie, tipo um background, eu sei que o MM tem. O próximo vai ser o Herogasm... não estou preparada.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 21
ranking 24
ranking 48
ranking 24
ranking 5
ranking 0



Daniel Pereira
cadastrou em:
29/02/2012 12:56:24
João Vicente
editou em:
10/08/2018 03:33:07

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