The Boys, Vol. 2: Get Some

The Boys, Vol. 2: Get Some Garth Ennis


The Boys, Vol. 2: Get Some

The second volume of the acclaimed series The Boys is here by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson! Dark avenger Tek-Knight and his ex-partner Swingwing are in trouble. Big trouble. One has lost control of his terrifyingly overactive sex-drive, and the other might just be a murderer. It's up to Hughie and Butcher to work out which is which, in Get Some.

Then, in Glorious Five Year Plan, The Boys travel to Russia - where their corporate opponents are working with the mob, in a super-conspiracy that threatens to spiral lethally out of control. Good thing our heroes have Love Sausage on their side.

The Boys, Vol. 2: Get Some collects issues 7-14 of the critically acclaimed series and is an excellent companion to Dynamite's best-selling Volume I Paperback "The Name of the Game!

Ficção / HQ, comics, mangá / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Boys, Vol. 2: Get Some
The Boys, Vol. 2: Get Some


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The Boys, Vol. 1: The Name Of The Game
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Resenhas para The Boys, Vol. 2: Get Some (1)

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The Boys Volume 2
on 26/7/22

4.25?? Gostei mais do primeiro volume, mas esse foi muito bom também. Queria ter visto mais dos Seven, mas tem muita historia pela frente. Adorei o Vas, seria legal ver mais dele na serie, embora so tenham usado ele como easter egg la naquela clinica. A história do Tek Night foi completamente bizarra, e embora seja um personagem esquisito, acho dificil colocarem na série, por que o personagem em si (a história do assasinato ate que foi interessante) não agregou muito a tudo, foi so ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 51
ranking 29
ranking 45
ranking 24
ranking 2
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
28/07/2009 17:14:01
João Vicente
editou em:
10/08/2018 03:43:28

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