Game Changer

Game Changer Rachel Reid


Game Changer (Game Changers #1)

New York Admirals captain Scott Hunter takes his pregame rituals very seriously. In this case, it’s not just a lucky smoothie he’s craving—it’s the man who made it.

Pro hockey star Scott Hunter knows a good thing when he sees it. So, when a smoothie made by juice bar barista Kip Grady precedes Scott breaking his on-ice slump, he’s desperate to recreate the magic...and to get to know the sexy, funny guy behind the counter.

Kip knew there was more to Scott’s frequent visits than blended fruit, but he never let himself imagine being invited back to Scott’s penthouse. Or kissed with reckless abandon, never mind touched everywhere all at once. When it happens it’s red-hot, incredible and frequent, but also only on Scott’s terms and always behind his closed apartment doors.

Scott needs Kip in his life, but with playoff season approaching, the spotlight on him is suddenly brighter than ever. He can’t afford to do anything that might derail his career…like introducing the world to his boyfriend. Kip is ready to go all-in with Scott—but how much longer will he have to remain a secret?

LGBT / GLS / Romance

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Parabéns. Vocês, rapazes, acabaram de fazer história.
on 28/3/23

O meio esportivo é majoritariamente feito por pessoas muito homofóbicas. Celular em 5% mais tarde eu termino a resenhaaaaa Quando o empresário fala: "Você acha que é o primeiro gay da NHL?" Fiquei muito pensativa, é tão triste saber que tantas pessoas tiveram que se esconder para poder continuar vivendo o sonho de jogar. Gostei de como o Scott saiu daquele esteriótipo de macho alfa atleta sem cérebro e sem sentimentos. Ele é tão fofo e adorável, ele cora e sorri e é tão desengonçad... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.8 / 154
ranking 29
ranking 44
ranking 23
ranking 3
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
18/12/2018 02:04:18
Dai Bazilio
editou em:
17/02/2022 10:27:42

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