Common Goal

Common Goal Rachel Reid


Common Goal (Game Changers #4)

New York Admirals goalie Eric never thought his friends-with-benefits arrangement with much-younger Kyle would leave them both wanting more…

Veteran goaltender Eric Bennett has faced down some of the toughest shooters on the ice, but nothing prepared him for his latest challenge—life after hockey. It’s time to make some big changes, starting with finally dating men for the first time.

Graduate student Kyle Swift moved to New York nursing a broken heart. He’d sworn to find someone his own age to crush on (for once). Until he meets a gorgeous, distinguished silver fox hockey player. Despite their intense physical attraction, Kyle has no intention of getting emotionally involved. He’ll teach Eric a few tricks, have some mutually consensual fun, then walk away.

Eric is more than happy to learn anything Kyle brings to the table. And Kyle never expected their friends-with-benefits arrangement to leave him wanting more. Happily-ever-after might be staring them in the face, but it won’t happen if they’re too stubborn to come clean about their feelings.

Everything they both want is within reach… They just have to be brave enough to grab it.

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Common Goal


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Tough Guy
Heated Rivalry
Game Changer
Role Model

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Bom mas os outros são melhores
on 16/12/22

Eu simplesmente amei essa série e me apaixonei por cada um dos meninos, os cenários dos jogos campeonato enfim o sabor! Talvez esse é o mais fraco de todos, ainda mais comparando com histórias sensíveis que terminei com lágrimas nos olhos. Já esse o casal era mais sem química digamos, e a história em sí não era tao envolvente. Mas não foi ruim, li de um dia pro outro já que escrita da Rachel é muito boa e teve todos os outros personagens de pano de fundo só não foi o melhor. Sentirei... leia mais


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