To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold Lauren Layne


To Have and to Hold (The Wedding Belles #1)

USA TODAY bestselling author Lauren Layne is the queen of witty dialogue and sexy scenes (Rachel Van Dyken)! Now, Sex and the City meets The Wedding Planner in The Wedding Belles, her sizzling brand new contemporary romance series about three ambitious wedding planners who can make any brides dream come truebut their own.

Discovering her fiancé is an international con man just moments before they exchange vows devastates celebrity wedding planner Brooke Burkes businessand breaks her heart. Now a pariah in Los Angeles, she seeks a fresh start in New York City and thinks shes found it with her first bridal client, a sweetif slightly spoiledhotel heiress. Then she meets the uptight businessman whos holding the purse strings.

Seth Tyler wishes he could write a blank check and be done with his sister Maya's fancy-pants wedding. Unfortunately, micromanaging the event is his only chance at proving Mayas fiancé is a liar. Standing directly in his way is the stunning blonde wedding planner whose practiced smiles and sassy comebacks both irritate and arouse him. He needs Brookes help. But can he persuade a wedding planner on a comeback mission to unplan a wedding? And more importantly, how will he convince her that the wedding she should be planningis theirs?

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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To Have and to Hold


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From This Day Forward
For Better or Worse
To Love and to Cherish
Álbum de Casamento

Resenhas para To Have and to Hold (11)

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Não é o melhor da autora, não faz jus aos outros livros!
on 27/10/23

Se os outros livros da Lauren Layne eu devorei, To Have and Hold foi uma jornada de longos dias. Personagens rasos, um casal sem muita química e que o envolvimento parecia estar só na tensão sexual entre eles. Sessão da tarde total, mas daqueles que você pensa: tudo bem se eu levar agora e perder alguns trechos, não está tão interessante - dá para ir buscar uma pipoca na cozinha sem pressa. O que mais me chamou a atenção foi a prévia para o segundo livro da série... Fiquei tentar a ler... leia mais


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editou em:
15/08/2022 20:18:11

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