For Better or Worse

For Better or Worse Lauren Layne


For Better or Worse (The Wedding Belles #2)

Will a budding wedding planner and her bad boy neighbor stop banging heads and start hearing wedding bells in the sexy second novel in USA TODAY bestselling author Lauren Laynes irresistible new series that marries Sex and the City with The Wedding Planner?

When small-town girl Heather Fowler finally gets promoted from assistant to actual wedding planner, shes determined to make it as one of Manhattans elite Wedding Belles. Unfortunately, her first client demands an opulent black-tie affair at the Plazain five months time. Heathers days quickly become a flurry of cake tastings, dress-fittings, RSVP cards, and bridal tantrums. But what shes really losing sleep over is the live music blaring from her playboy neighbors apartment all night.

Five years ago, Josh Tanner was an up-and-comer on Wall Street, complete with the penthouse and the migraines. But a grim cancer diagnosis made him realize there is more to life than the corner office. If only he could convince his pretty, workaholic neighbor to let loose, too. As Heather lets down her guard, Josh is surprised when he starts falling for the sweet, vulnerable woman hiding beneath those power suits. Soon, its Heathers turn to convince Josh to take the biggest risk of all: love.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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For Better or Worse


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on 19/10/22

Gostei muito desse livro. O casal é engraçado e apesar de toda a briga e discussão, eles são amigos. A falta de comunicação e o medo são os principais problemas dos dois. Mas dá tudo certo no final. Heather é a assistente de planejamento de casamentos, mas sonha em ser uma Planejadora de casamentos. Quando essa grande chance aparece ela fica nas nuvens, mas esse desafio vai ser um pouquinho mais complicado do que ela imaginou. E não bastasse todos os problemas planejando o casamento de... leia mais


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editou em:
14/08/2022 00:11:50

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