A Soul of Ash and Blood

A Soul of Ash and Blood Jennifer L. Armentrout


A Soul of Ash and Blood (Blood And Ash #5)

A Blood and Ash Novel (ebook)

Only his memories can save her…

A great primal power has risen. The Queen of Flesh and Fire has become the Primal of Blood and Bone—the true Primal of Life and Death. And the battle Casteel, Poppy, and their allies have been fighting has only just begun. Gods are awakening across Iliseeum and the mortal realm, readying for the war to come.

But when Poppy falls into stasis, Cas faces the very real possibility that the dire, unexpected consequences of what she is becoming could take her away from him. Cas is given some advice, though—something he plans to cling to as he waits to see her beautiful eyes open once more: Talk to her.

And so, he does. He reminds Poppy how their journey began, revealing things about himself that only Kieran knows in the process. But it’s anybody’s guess what she’ll wake to or exactly how much of the realm and Cas will have changed when she does.

#1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout revisits Poppy and Casteel’s epic love story in the next installment of the Blood and Ash series. But this time, Hawke gets to tell the tale.

Drama / Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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A Soul of Ash and Blood
A Soul of Ash and Blood


(18) ver mais
From Blood and Ash
A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire
The Crown of Gilded Bones
The War of Two Queens

Resenhas para A Soul of Ash and Blood (100)

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"The Primal of Life and Death. Of Blood and Bone."
on 6/10/23

Esse livro foi o que ele prometeu mesmo ser, no caso a revisita dos acontecimentos do primeiro livro mas na visão do Casteel e não da Poppy, e eu gostei, apesar de sentir falta de algo a mais foi bem importante e interessante ler os pensamentos do Cas desde daquela época, como ele já na primeira vez que viu a Poppy se apaixonou por ela mesmo ela ainda sendo a donzela e aqui mostra que ele até não tinha se ligado nisso e o primeiro a ver a mudança foi o Kieran. foi também intercalando c... leia mais

Vídeos A Soul of Ash and Blood (1)

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Resenha: A Soul of Ash and Blood

Resenha: A Soul of Ash and Blood


Avaliações 4.3 / 427
ranking 56
ranking 31
ranking 10
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
25/11/2022 23:51:37
editou em:
06/08/2023 14:37:23

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