A Soul to Keep

A Soul to Keep Opal Reyne


A Soul to Keep (Duskwalker Brides #1)

All Reia ever wanted was freedom.

Known as a harbinger of bad omens and blamed for Demons eating her family, Reia is shunned by her entire village. When the next offering is due and the monstrous Duskwalker is seen heading their way, her village offers her an impossible choice ― be thrown into the prison cells or allow herself to be sacrificed to a faceless monster.

However, he is not what he seems. His skull face and glow eyes are ethereal, and she finds herself unwittingly enchanted by him.

All Orpheus ever wanted was a companion.

Each decade, in exchange for a protection ward from the Demons that terrorise the world, Orpheus takes a human offering to the Veil ― the place he lives and the home of Demons. The brief companionship does little to ease his loneliness, and their lives were always, unfortunately, cut short.

He'd thought it was a hopeless endeavour, until he met her. She's not afraid of him, and his insatiable desire deepens
within every moment of her presence.

But will Orpheus be able to convince Reia to stay before she's lost to him forever?

Fantasia / Romance

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A Soul to Keep


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on 4/11/23

Meu primeiro "Monster Romance" e eu estava com certo receio de ler, - principalmente os hot! Haha -, mas me surpreendi. É bem diferente de tudo que já li, afinal aqui o personagem não tem nada de aparência humana. Nada. O mundo criado pela autora é magnífico e não deixa pontal soltas. A história dos Mavkas é interessante e surpreendente. A escrita é fluida e me prendeu do início ao fim. Os hot quase me traumatizaram no começo - de novo, meu 1° monster romance -, mas Orpheus é um fofo ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 554
ranking 46
ranking 38
ranking 13
ranking 2
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cadastrou em:
04/07/2022 16:11:41
editou em:
14/08/2023 14:53:51

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