The Stranger With Wings

The Stranger With Wings Ella Maven


The Stranger With Wings (Monster Hotel #2)

A Monster Romance

If I save him… maybe he’ll save me.

After finding my apartment ransacked for the third time, I'm done being stalked. I’m just some nameless orphan who’s only trying to survive in this broken city. I shouldn’t matter. I shouldn’t be a target. I shouldn’t have to live on the run. But here I am, trying to find a hideout when living beyond the city without a permit is punishable by death. I'm desperate. But I'm scrappy too, and soon I'm surviving off the land with only the rodents for company.

Everything’s fine. Until he shows up. Injured and distrustful, he needs to hide too. But this space is mine, and I’ll fight for it. Except in his wounded delirium, this stranger calls my name with a familiarity that makes my heart pound.

When our sanctuary is invaded, I learn I’m not just hiding from a stalker, but it turns out I’m the center of a family war and the battle for a planet. And the only thing standing between me and the monsters who want me dead is the stranger on my doorstep… and he’s got wings.

The Stranger With Wings is a monster romance with a wounded royal outcast, heats, reincarnation, fated mates, and a very, very odd hotel. This is a standalone romance with an overarching plot across the series. Check in to this high heat series from USA Today Bestselling Author Ella Maven.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Stranger With Wings


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The Guest With Claws

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Melhor que o anterior.
on 1/12/23

ENREDO-> 3,5/5 (Bom) Esse livro narra a estória do Kazian e da Alli e eu gostei bem mais desse do que do anterior. Tem uma escrita fácil, nesse aqui não teve tanta enrolação, o mundo fantasioso continua sendo muito criativo, porém a autora não focou muito na trama da política Malice/Moxic. Claro, nesse livro descobrimos um pouco mais das maquinações, no entanto o embate com o tio dele que eu estava esperando foi bem simples e eu queria algo mais. Mas no geral foi um bom enredo, não ac... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 2
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cadastrou em:
26/02/2023 23:58:41
editou em:
30/05/2023 19:57:37

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