The Mysteries of Thorn Manor

The Mysteries of Thorn Manor Margaret Rogerson


The Mysteries of Thorn Manor (Sorcery of Thorns #1.5)

In this delightful sequel novella to the New York Times bestselling Sorcery of Thorns, Elisabeth, Nathaniel, and Silas must unravel the magical trap keeping them inside Thorn Manor in time for their Midwinter Ball!

Elisabeth Scrivener is finally settling into her new life with sorcerer Nathaniel Thorn. Now that their demon companion Silas has returned, so has scrutiny from nosy reporters hungry for gossip about the city's most powerful sorcerer and the librarian who stole his heart. But something strange is afoot at Thorn Manor: the estate's wards, which are meant to keep their home safe, are acting up and forcibly trapping the Manor's occupants inside. Surely it must be a coincidence that this happened just as Nathaniel and Elisabeth started getting closer to one another...

ith no access to the outside world, Elisabeth, Nathaniel, and Silas - along with their new maid Mercy - will have to work together to discover the source of the magic behind the malfunctioning wards before they're due to host the city's Midwinter Ball. Not an easy task when the house is filled with unexpected secrets, and all Elisabeth can think about is kissing Nathaniel in peace. But when it becomes clear that the house, influenced by the magic of Nathaniel's ancestors, requires a price for its obedience, Elisabeth and Nathaniel will have to lean on their connection like never before to set things right.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (2)

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The Mysteries of Thorn Manor
Mysteries of Thorn Manor


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on 30/7/23

Um conto do livro O Feitiço dos Espinhos. Eu amei. O final do livro ficou aberto e esse conto mostra um vislumbre do futuro. Silas segue sendo o melhor personagem. Gostei de saber mais sobre a casa e família do Nathaniel e o romance foi muito fofo e divertido.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 274
ranking 43
ranking 39
ranking 14
ranking 3
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cadastrou em:
19/06/2022 16:41:36
editou em:
15/10/2023 16:44:35

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