An Enchantment of Ravens

An Enchantment of Ravens Margaret Rogerson


An Enchantment of Ravens

Isobel is a prodigy portrait artist with a dangerous set of clients: the sinister fair folk, immortal creatures who cannot bake bread, weave cloth, or put a pen to paper without crumbling to dust. They crave human Craft with a terrible thirst, and Isobel’s paintings are highly prized. But when she receives her first royal patron—Rook, the autumn prince—she makes a terrible mistake. She paints mortal sorrow in his eyes—a weakness that could cost him his life.

Furious and devastated, Rook spirits her away to the autumnlands to stand trial for her crime. Waylaid by the Wild Hunt’s ghostly hounds, the tainted influence of the Alder King, and hideous monsters risen from barrow mounds, Isobel and Rook depend on one another for survival. Their alliance blossoms into trust, then love—and that love violates the fair folks’ ruthless laws. Now both of their lives are forfeit, unless Isobel can use her skill as an artist to fight the fairy courts. Because secretly, her Craft represents a threat the fair folk have never faced in all the millennia of their unchanging lives: for the first time, her portraits have the power to make them feel.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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An Enchantment of Ravens


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Resenhas para An Enchantment of Ravens (84)

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on 9/5/20

A premissa parecia interesssante, mas pelas primeiras 100 páginas você percebe uma heroína que era inteligente magicamente se apaixonar enquanto anda na floresta com seu sequestrador enquanto os dois esquecem idiotamente as 200000 coisas tentando matá-los e decidem perder o cérebro coletivamente em sinal de amor. O romance é realmente razoável, mas minha questão é que apenas escrever que os personagens se apaixonam sem mostrar a história torna o enredo mais fraco. Isso se mostrou mais ... leia mais


Avaliações 3.4 / 500
ranking 17
ranking 37
ranking 36
ranking 8
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
09/02/2017 17:38:26
Maria @booksofmary
editou em:
03/12/2021 12:51:59

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