Tryst Six Venom (eBook)

Tryst Six Venom (eBook) Penelope Douglas


Tryst Six Venom (eBook)

Aways games, back seats, and the locker room after hours...Get ready!


Marymount girls are good girls. We’re chaste, we’re untouched, and even if we weren’t, no one would know, because we keep our mouths shut.

Not that I have anything to share anyway. I never let guys go too far. I’m behaved.

Beautiful, smart, talented, popular, my skirt’s always pressed, and I never have a hair out of place. I own the hallways, walking tall on Monday and dropping to my knees like the good Catholic girl I am on Sunday.

That’s me. Always in control.

Or so they think. The truth is that it’s easy for me to resist them, because what I truly want, they can never be. Something soft and smooth. Someone dangerous and wild.

Unfortunately, what I want I have to hide. In the locker room after hours. In the bathroom stall between classes. In the showers after practice. My head swimming. My hand up her skirt.

For me, life is a web of secrets. No one can find out mine.


I cross the tracks every day for one reason—to graduate from this school and get into the Ivy League. I’m not ashamed of where I come from, my family, or how everyone at Marymount thinks my skirts are too short and my lipstick is too red.

Clay Collins and her friends have always turned up their noses at me. The witch with her beautiful skin, clean shoes, and rich parents who torments me daily and thinks I won’t fight back.

At least not until I get her alone and find out she’s hiding so much more than just what’s underneath those pretty clothes.

The princess thinks I’ll scratch her itch. She thinks she’s still pure as long as it’s not a guy touching her.

I told her to stay on her side of town. I told her not to cross the tracks.

But one night, she did. And when I’m done with her, she’ll never be pure again.

*TRYST SIX VENOM is a standalone, new adult, bully romance suitable for readers 18+. It will release directly into Kindle Unlimited! (less)

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Tryst Six Venom (eBook)
Tryst Six Venom


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on 3/7/21

Tryst six venom é um bully romance sáfico da Penelope Douglas. Eu já li vários livros dela então já estou acostumada com as coisas chocantes que podem incomodar algumas pessoas. É uma história envolvente, com personagens bem construídas que te deixa completamente boiola, vale muito a pena... leia mais

Vídeos Tryst Six Venom (eBook) (1)

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TRYST SIX VENOM é um absurdo

TRYST SIX VENOM é um absurdo


Avaliações 4.0 / 2.875
ranking 44
ranking 34
ranking 16
ranking 4
ranking 2



Jessica A
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18/11/2020 01:40:43
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14/10/2022 15:11:00
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18/10/2022 14:45:29

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