The Stories of Ray Bradbury

The Stories of Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury


The Stories of Ray Bradbury

An extensive collection of imaginative short stories by a National Medal of the Arts–winning author of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and suspense.
Fly to Mars and explore the mysteries of the red planet. Journey through time to futures ruled by cold computers and hear the deafening roar of dinosaurs in the past. Sing the body electric and look into the mechanical eyes of androids that want to replace human life as we know it. Visit idyllic landscapes and nostalgic towns that hide sinister secrets. Available in one massive collection for the first time digitally, experience the wondrous mind of Ray Bradbury through one hundred of his all-time greatest tales. These are the stories that ask “What if?,” the stories that make the mind turn, and those that are, in the true spirit of Ray Bradbury, best read under the safety of a blanket.

Featuring works from Dark Carnival (1947), The Martian Chronicles (1950), The Illustrated Man (1951), The Golden Apples of the Sun (1953), Fahrenheit 451 (1953), The October Country (1955), Dandelion Wine (1957), A Medicine for Melancholy (1959), R Is for Rocket (1962), The Machineries of Joy (1964), S Is for Space (1966), I Sing the Body Electric! (1969), and Long After Midnight (1976)—as well as six additional stories available only in this collection—this is the best of Bradbury over numerous decades, thoughtfully compiled from the seminal short story collections that marked his illustrious career.

Contos / Fantasia / Ficção / Ficção científica / Horror / Literatura Estrangeira / Terror

Edições (4)

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Resenhas para The Stories of Ray Bradbury (62)

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on 13/5/20

Treze contos de temáticas diversas, leitura rápida e de qualidade bastante equilibrada, passeando por fantasia, Sci-fi, terror psicológico e mistério. Sem dúvidas é um bom companheiro para aquela leitura de fim de noite.... leia mais


Avaliações 3.7 / 503
ranking 24
ranking 43
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ranking 6
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cadastrou em:
25/08/2023 22:15:06
editou em:
25/08/2023 22:15:54

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