Riot Rules

Riot Rules Callie Hart


Riot Rules (Crooked Sinners #2)

You think you know me, but you’re wrong.

You look at me and see Carrie, the girl with the wild hair and the wild clothes.
Reliable Carrie. Friendly. Quirky. Perhaps a little strange.
What do you really know about me, though?
The details of my past are up for debate.
I’ve been careful to hide my sins, and even more careful to follow the rules.
I do as I’m told. I keep to myself. I don’t mess around with boys, and I’m always ready to run.
At least that’s what I tell myself, anyway.
Since I met him, I’ve broken every single rule in the book.
He’s impossible. Arrogant. Terrifying.
If I’m not careful, Wolf Hall’s golden boy will do more than make me break the rules. He’ll wind up breaking me.


First, they hate me, then they hate themselves for wanting me. That’s how it always goes.

I’m the smart one. The charming one. The guy with the accent that makes girls go weak at the knees. As a resident of Riot House, I’m destined to rule Wolf Hall. Doesn’t matter where you come from. How much money you have. What your future holds. Cross the path of a Riot House Boy and you’re guaranteed to pay the price.
The girl isn’t special. She’s just another cog, turning in the wheel. So why, then, am I protecting her? And why am I keeping her a secret?

Call me a monster.
Call me a fiend.
Call me reprehensible.

Call me Lord Dashiell Lovett IV.

*Riot Rules is book two in the Crooked Sinners Series. It is a complete 145,000-word story that can be read as a standalone, or in conjunction with the other books in the series.


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Riot Rules


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on 13/2/24

Cada vez mais apaixonada! Me surpreendi com o quão fofa foi a história de DashCarrie, o capítulo final digno de uma verdadeira comédia romântica, bem diferente da energia mais sombria de Riot House. Foi lindo ver a evolução do Dash e o amadurecimento da amizade dele com o Wren e o Pax, gosto do fato da Callie Hart ter criado MMC's que tem um desenvolvimento real e não ficam presos à mentalidade "somos intocáveis" eternamente. No mais, não vejo a hora de ler PaxPres! Cada aparição ... leia mais


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Jéssica Freire
cadastrou em:
03/01/2021 19:23:53
editou em:
01/08/2023 23:06:35

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