Riot Act

Riot Act Callie Hart


Riot Act (Crooked Sinners # 3)

USA Today Bestselling Author, Callie Hart, delivers a twisted and edgy new interconnected standalone dark romance, featuring a girl with nothing left to lose and a broken boy with a heart as black as his soul.

Want something? Pax will take it from you.

Love something? Pax will destroy it.

Love him? Heaven help you. You’d have to be the stupidest person to walk the face of the earth.


I don’t do complicated. I sure as hell don’t do love. With graduation in sight, I’ve made it almost four years at Wolf Hall without getting tangled up in BS with girls.
I especially want nothing to do with her:
Presley. Maria. Witton. Chase.
The timid little mouse with the red hair, who can’t even look my way without hyperventilating. She’s nothing to me. Beautiful, sure, but I’ve had plenty of beautiful women.
I’m perfectly content ignoring her…
…until her life is suddenly in my hands.


I’ve loved him from the moment I laid eyes on him.
The cruel, inked anarchist of Riot House.
He’s wicked, and he’s cold, and there’s nothing good left in him.
I fear him almost as much as I crave him.
With only a few weeks left until graduation, all I have to do is keep my head down, and then I’ll be free; I can leave Mountain Lakes and my obsession with Pax Davis in my rearview mirror.
But the demons I’ve been hiding for years now are growing restless…
…and Pax is thing that will keep them at bay.

This is not an act of kindness.
Not an act of love.
Not an act of forgiveness.
You'll find no redemption here.
This is the final riot.


RIOT ACT is a 137,000-word standalone book in the Crooked Sinners Series and does not end on a cliffhanger. This book contains dark content that may be considered a trigger for some readers, and as such is recommended for readers 17+


Edições (2)

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Riot Act
Riot Act


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Riot House
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The Blood & Roses Series box set
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Leiam ! Apenas leiam !
on 23/6/23

Esse livro desde o início é de longe o melhor da série, Pax e Presley são os personagens mais quebrados e mais adoráveis de se acompanhar. Por todo o livro o jeito que Pax era, suas atitudes, ouve uma certa identificação que criou um certo apego ainda maior por essa história. Tudo que acontece com esses personagens é cruel e ver eles encontrando força um no outro para serem fracos é simplesmente lindo. É uma história pesada, onde se encontra muitos gatilhos, então para quem tem problem... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 48
ranking 43
ranking 33
ranking 18
ranking 6
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cadastrou em:
03/01/2022 22:47:58
editou em:
03/01/2022 22:48:40

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