Pretty Little Monster

Pretty Little Monster AJ Merlin


Pretty Little Monster (Pretty Obsessions #3)

I thought I’d feel broken after what happened.

Turns out killing the man who hurt me changed that.

When I’m back at school for my last few weeks of college, I find normalcy for the first time in months. Despite getting comfortable, I can’t give Rook and Oliver the answer they so clearly want, even if it’s not the one they want to hear.

They have to understand it’s not that easy.

Don’t they?

But following them across the country brings more than just new house problems and adjusting to their lifestyle. Issues from not so long ago come to light, and I realize I’m not as normal as I’d hoped to be, after killing my professor for what he did to me.

With a new ‘friend’ who offers me the help I need and Rook keeping secrets that prove he doesn’t trust me, it’s hard to rely on anyone for answers. Especially when old urges creep up my spine and I start looking for reasons to hurt someone for what I’ve seen him do.

When I’m no longer able to attribute my urges to an external predator, I’m forced to confront a terrifying possibility.

Maybe I’ve always been more like them than I thought

Pretty Little Monster is the third and final book in the pretty obsessions trilogy. It includes MMF, MFM, MM, and mature, murderous content.

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Pretty Little Monster


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Pretty Little Killer

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on 18/3/24

Tem spoiler Se acabasse em uma duologia teria ido bem d+ A história já estava praticamente completa no último livro, últimos dias de aula, Blair assassina... Aqui parece que não aconteceu quase nada Começa com a Blair e o Oliver de formando e o trisal mudando pra um estado novo. O que eles vão fazer da vida? Boa pergunta. O Rook faz entrevistas pra voltar a dar aulas e o Oliver ama streamar. A Blair não gosta muito e não sabe o que quer da vida, ou vai atrás de algo pra fazer. ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/03/2024 21:24:31
editou em:
18/03/2024 21:25:25