Pretty Little Killer

Pretty Little Killer AJ Merlin


Pretty Little Killer (Pretty Obsessions #2)

I should’ve forced myself to forget both of them exist.

Not crave for them to find me again.

Yet as soon as my plane touches down in St. Augustine three days before the start of the spring semester, my sweetest nightmares are waiting for me, reminding me of all of the reasons I can’t stop thinking about why I let myself fall prey to their affections in the first place..

I’ve convinced myself that I need to end this before I’m the one with a knife in my stomach; that Oliver and Rook are the worst kind of people and certainly not capable of love.

Until the unthinkable happens, leaving me broken, devastated, and questioning all of my recent choices. Suddenly I can’t tell what’s right or wrong anymore, and their darkness beckons to all of my broken edges, promising me something I can’t find outside of their embrace.

But once I give into the wickedness they offer, I’ll never be able to go back to who I was.

And that’s exactly what they want.

Pretty Little Killer is the second book of the Pretty Obsessions trilogy. It includes MMF, MFM, MM, and mature content. To see a full list of possible triggers, use the look inside feature of the book.

Edições (1)

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Pretty Little Killer


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Pretty Little Monster
Pretty Little Tease

Resenhas para Pretty Little Killer (1)

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So what if u wanna kill people? Where?s the problem in that?
on 24/8/23

TW!!!!!!!!! TEM ESTUPRO NA PÁGINA!!!!!! Vou deixar sem o aviso de spoiler pq isso é muito importante e não tem no livro. Se não quer SPOILER NAO LEIA! ok, vamos lá A Love volta de viagem e o Oliver busca ela no aeroporto. Ela fica uma cooota pensando em fugir deles. Mas fica voltando, percebe que o Rook GOSTA de ser desafiado... Aí o Rook implora pra ela pegar uma das matérias dele, pra poder ver os dois de novo durante as aulas... Ela aceita, mas com a mentoria dele. Enfim, aul... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
24/08/2023 18:03:34
editou em:
24/08/2023 18:05:20

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