Os Filhos de Wang Lung

Os Filhos de Wang Lung Pearl S. Buck


Os Filhos de Wang Lung (Coleção Catavento #38)

Sons (The Good Earth Trilogy, #2)

The second installment in Pearl S. Buck's acclaimed Good Earth trilogy: the powerful story of three brothers whose greed will bring their family to the brink of ruin. Revolution is sweeping through China. Wang Lung is on his deathbed in the house of his fathers, and his three sons stand ready to inherit his hard-won estate. One son has taken the family's wealth for granted and become a landlord; another is a thriving merchant and moneylender; and the youngest, an ambitious general, is destined to be a leader in the country. Through all his life's changes, Wang did not anticipate that each son would hunger to sell his beloved land for maximum profit. At once a tribute to early Chinese fiction, a saga of family dissension, and a depiction of the clashes between old and new, Sonsis a vivid and compelling masterwork of fiction.

|...| Now "Sons", of course, is a purely Chinese book. It is modeled on the plan of the orthodox Chinese novel, the material is altogether Chinese, the characters are less like ourselves that in he first book [The Good Earth], and the situations are medieval to the American mind." ---From a lecture by the Author.

[About the Author]: Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973), the daughter of missionaries, was born in West Virginia but spent most of her time until 1934 in China. She began writing while in China and published her first novel shortly after returning to the United States. Her novel The Good Earth was the bestselling fiction book in the United States in 1931 and 1932, and it won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. In 1938 she became the first American woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, ''for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces.''

Aventura / Crônicas / Ficção / História / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (3)

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Os Filhos de Wang Lung
Os Filhos de Wang Lung
Os Filhos de Wang Lung


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A boa terra
Terra Abençoada
Casa Dividida
O Cidadão

Resenhas para Os Filhos de Wang Lung (1)

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A luta do novo contra o velho, na China – ou em qualquer lugar do mundo.
on 5/7/09

Segundo livro da trilogia clássica de Pearl S. Buck, que começou com A boa terra (resenha no Skoob: http://www.skoob.com.br/estante/livro/906428), se inicia com a luta dos três filhos contra o patriarca Wang Lung, que está morrendo. A luta do novo contra o velho, na China – ou em qualquer lugar do mundo. A revolução varre a nação, deixando destruição e morte em seu caminho; mas, também, prometendo emancipação a milhões de oprimidos que tentam sobreviver no mundo moderno. Os três fil... leia mais


Avaliações 4.3 / 40
ranking 56
ranking 27
ranking 12
ranking 5
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24/11/2017 02:45:00
editou em:
24/11/2017 02:47:19

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