Rules for a Being Girl

Rules for a Being Girl Candace Bushnell
Katie Cotugno


Rules for a Being Girl

Candace Bushnell, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Sex and the City, and Katie Cotugno, New York Times bestselling author of 99 Days, team up to write a smart, feminist novel about a girl who fights to expose sexism at her school after a run-in with a predatory teacher.

It starts before you can even remember: You learn the rules for being a girl. . . .

Marin has always been good at navigating these unspoken guidelines. A star student and editor of the school paper, she dreams of getting into Brown University. Marin’s future seems bright―and her young, charismatic English teacher, Mr. Beckett, is always quick to admire her writing and talk books with her.

But when “Bex” takes things too far and comes on to Marin, she’s shocked and horrified. Had she somehow led him on? Was it her fault?

When Marin works up the courage to tell the administration what happened, no one believes her. She’s forced to face Bex in class every day. Except now, he has an ax to grind.

But Marin isn’t about to back down. She uses the school newspaper to fight back and she starts a feminist book club at school. She finds allies in the most unexpected people, like “slutty” Gray Kendall, who she’d always dismissed as just another lacrosse bro. As things heat up at school and in her personal life, Marin must figure out how to take back the power and write her own rules.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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Regras para ser uma boa garota
Rules for a Being Girl


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Resenhas para Rules for a Being Girl (45)

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Um livro simples e extremamente necessário
on 25/9/20

Esse YA conta a historia de Marin, uma menina tão normal quanto eu ou você. O livro é super rápido e ainda parece ter tocado de alguma forma em todos os assuntos que eu queria - infelizmente apenas tocado, sem explorar profundamente. Dei 4 estrelas porque o livro poderia facilmente ser melhor desenvolvido, se aprofundando nos assuntos incríveis que aborda. Ainda assim, quero ressaltar o quanto eu amei o relacionamento entre Marin e seu professor. Este tema é sim um assunto polêmico ... leia mais

Vídeos Rules for a Being Girl (1)

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Regras para ser uma boa garota |Indicação de Livro| *Sem Spoilers*

Regras para ser uma boa garota |Indicação de


Avaliações 3.9 / 240
ranking 35
ranking 38
ranking 21
ranking 5
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
25/03/2019 06:38:15
editou em:
08/12/2019 11:14:42

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