The King of Crows

The King of Crows Libba Bray


The King of Crows (The Diviners #4)

The breath-taking finale to the epic New York Times bestseller, The Diviners, from Printz winner and beloved author, Libba Bray.

After the horrifying explosion that claimed one of their own, the Diviners find themselves wanted by the US government, and on the brink of war with the King of Crows.

While Memphis and Isaiah run for their lives from the mysterious Shadow Men, Isaiah receives a startling vision of a girl, Sarah Beth Olson, who could shift the balance in their struggle for peace. Sarah Beth says she knows how to stop the King of Crows--but, she will need the Diviners' help to do it.

Elsewhere, Jericho has returned after his escape from Jake Marlowe's estate, where he has learned the shocking truth behind the King of Crow's plans. Now, the Diviners must travel to Bountiful, Nebraska, in hopes of joining forces with Sarah Beth in an effort to stop the King of Crows and his army of the dead forever.

But as rumors of towns becoming ghost towns and the dead developing unprecedented powers begin to surface, all hope seems to be lost. The Diviners will be forced to confront their greatest fears and learn to rely on one another if they hope to save the nation, and world from catastrophe....

Fantasia / Jovem adulto

Edições (2)

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The King of Crows
The King of Crows


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The Diviners
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Resenhas para The King of Crows (6)

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redefiniu meu conceito de horrível
on 11/5/21

1.5 estrelas. bom, o que eu não gostei desse livro? mais fácil eu dizer o que eu gostei: quando acabou. começou ruim e no final parecia que tava no começo. a luta que foi conseguir terminar esse livro não tem palavras. vou fazer uma lista (não exaustiva) de tudo que não gostei a mitologia é mal construída - se você lê quatro livros de uma série e não entende nada de como o sistema de magia/poderes funciona, a culpa é da autora. libba bray criava poderes e novas regras pro funcionamen... leia mais


Avaliações 3.8 / 33
ranking 32
ranking 32
ranking 21
ranking 15
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
18/03/2019 19:27:21
Bibi Souza
editou em:
27/06/2022 00:04:12

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