Hygge: The Danish Secrets of Happiness

Hygge: The Danish Secrets of Happiness Maya Thoresen


Hygge: The Danish Secrets of Happiness

How to be Happy and Healthy in Your Daily Life

If you’ve always wanted to live a simpler, cozier life but find yourself swamped in tiny details then keep reading…
Are you sick and tired of living in a hectic, stressful environment, both at home and at work?
Have you tried endless other solutions but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks?
Do you finally want to say goodbye to clutter and discover something which works for you?
If so, then you’ve come to the right place. You see, living a comfortable and cozy lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult- even if you’ve tried every organizational system in the stores, and every relaxation technique on Pinterest!
In fact, it’s easier than you think.
For years, satisfaction and contentedness amongst Danish hygge practitioners have demonstrated that a simple, cozy life can be beneficial in lowering stress. Popular publications such as Elle UK have stated hygge may be a contributing factor in why Denmark has one of the happiest working populations in the world.
Hygge is an easy-to-incorporate outlook on life, which means you can get the lifestyle you want without having to make huge changes to anything in your life!
Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover:
•How to create a Hygge Home
•Why allowing clutter in your home, office, and mind is hurting your progress–And what to do instead
•How to gain time and energy without doing anything drastic- make your time your own!
•Ways your hectic lifestyle can sabotage a hygge lifestyle
•How to save time, money, and stress with just a few simple changes in your routine
•Suggestions used by hygge practitioners all over the world which help you start your day in a peaceful and prepared way- no more showing up at the office already stressed before the day begins!
•The biggest mistakes people make in creating a sense of coziness (hint: it has to do with the price tag!)
•Small steps you can incorporate into your everyday patterns to help you on your hygge journey...and much, much more!
Take a second to imagine how you’ll feel once you are relaxing in your hygge home, surrounded by peace and comfort. Think of how your family and friends will react to your renewed energy and interest in well-being. So even if you’re stressed to the max with home, work, friends, family, and more, you can learn to live a cozy life with hygge.

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Hygge: The Danish Secrets of Happiness


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Introdução ao Hygge
on 21/8/20

Me deparei com essa palavra esses dias, pois vivo pesquisando coisas no estilo "cozy": músicas, comidas, ambientes. Esse livro traz alguns príncipios dessa forma de viver dinamarquesa. É importante ler criticamente, pois muitos aspectos dessa filosofia só são possíveis em países com qualidade de vida e isso não pressupõe desigualdade social, por exemplo. Ou seja, é um estilo de vida em que as pessoas vivem estáveis. No Brasil, um país em que temos grande parte da população lutando pelo... leia mais


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04/01/2019 11:26:21
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04/12/2019 14:39:18

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