Of Ice and Shadows

Of Ice and Shadows Audrey Coulthurst


Of Ice and Shadows (Of Fire and Stars #3)

Princesses Denna and Mare are in love and together at last—only to face a new set of dangers.
Mare just wants to settle down with the girl she loves, which would be easier if Denna weren’t gifted with forbidden and volatile fire magic. Denna must learn to control her powers, which means traveling in secret to the kingdom of Zumorda, where she can seek training without fear of persecution.

Determined to help, Mare has agreed to serve as an ambassador as a cover for their journey.
But just after Mare and Denna arrive in Zumorda, an attack on a border town changes everything. Mare’s diplomatic mission is now urgent: She must quickly broker an alliance with the Zumordan queen to protect her homeland. However, the queen has no interest in allying with other kingdoms—it’s Denna’s untamed but powerful magic that catches her eye. The queen offers to teach Denna herself, and both girls know it would be dangerous to refuse.

As Denna’s powers grow stronger, Mare does her best to be the ambassador her kingdom needs. Her knowledge of Zumorda and its people grows, and so too do her suspicions about the queen’s intentions. With rising tensions and unexpected betrayals putting Mare and Denna in jeopardy and dangerous enemies emerging on all sides, can they protect their love and save their kingdoms?

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Of Ice and Shadows


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on 24/10/21

Eu tinha gostado de Of Fire and Stars, mas tinha sentido falta de algumas coisas para me prender de vez à história. Of Ice and Shadows trouxe muitos desses aspectos e fez com que eu me jogasse de cabeça na história de Mare e Denna. Explorando Zumorda, um reino que respira magia e com uma trama melhor elaborada que a do primeiro livro, a história é cheia de capítulos que não te deixam parar de ler, e que nos permite entender um pouco melhor como funciona a parte mágica. Além disso, ness... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 59
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cadastrou em:
08/03/2018 04:10:58
editou em:
06/12/2021 01:15:40

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