The Silver Swan

The Silver Swan Amo Jones


The Silver Swan (The Elite King's Club #1)

Riddle me this...
"I am neither dead, nor alive, and I'm not something little Madison can hide.
But you will be dead, by the time this is done...
the timer starts now, and the games have just begun..."

Madison Montgomery comes from money and power, but when someone close to her commits the ultimate crime, Madison must live with her tainted name for the rest of her life. When she begins Riverside Preparatory Academy, the private school her father has swept her into in The Hamptons, she hopes for a fresh start. What she wasn't hoping for was the pack of bad boys who run the school; ten, to be exact. When Madison gains the attention of their leader, Bishop Vincent Hayes, a whole new world that she didn't think existed is exposed to her. A whole world that starts and ends with The Elite Kings Club and these boys, are about to flip her world upside down. Secrets are overflowing and family lies are about to be exposed. Is there more to Madison Montgomery than even she knows?

About this book:
I need to admit something right now. The Silver Swan is f*cked. It might be the most insane story I've ever written with equally insane characters. Who knew? You know, when I started this book, it was supposed to be YA. I wanted to write a book that my sisters could read. A book that won't have people look at my mum like "damn... what sort of messed up shit happened to your kid?". The angst, the assholeness, the games, the f**kery, the WHAT THE F**KING F**K ARE YOU DOING???!!!...
I cannot even.... anyway, this is a warning (and the only one I'll give you). It's crazy. I don't compare my work to my others, but this book is f**ked. It will most likely stomp all the f**k over people's hard limits (and not give a sh*t while it's doing it) and will make you second guess all the morals you thought you had.
This most definitely is not looking like a love story right now... more like a..... I don't even....*shakes head* anyway, I apologise now. You asked for it..........

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Silver Swan


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Resenhas para The Silver Swan (30)

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on 22/4/21

não é bom mas também não é ruim, sabe? foi uma leitura bacana até embora meio confusa e meio mal elaborada, vou ler o segundo.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
02/01/2017 09:27:43
editou em:
23/04/2023 11:17:05

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