It Ends With Us

It Ends With Us Colleen Hoover


It Ends With Us

Lily hasn't always had it easy, but that's never stopped her from working hard for the life she wants. She's come a long way from the small town in Maine where she grew up - she graduated from college, moved to Boston, and started her own business. So when she feels a spark with a gorgeous neurosurgeon named Ryle Kincaid, everything in Lily's life suddenly seems almost too good to be true.
Ryle is assertive, stubborn, and maybe even a little arrogant. He's also sensitive, brilliant, and has a total soft spot for Lily, but Ryle's complete aversion to relationships is disturbing.
As questions about her new relationship overwhelm her, so do thoughts of Atlas Corrigan - her first love and a link to the past she left behind. He was her kindred spirit, her protector. When Atlas suddenly reappears, everything Lily has built with Ryle is threatened.
With this bold and deeply personal novel, Colleen Hoover delivers a heart-wrenching story that breaks exciting new ground for her as a writer. It Ends With Us is an unforgettable tale of love that comes at the ultimate price.

Drama / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (3)

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It Ends with Us
It Ends With Us
It Ends With Us


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Resenhas para It Ends With Us (550)

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on 17/10/22

Esse foi o primeiro livro da Colleen Hoover que eu li, em 2019. Agora, três anos depois, tendo lido todos os outros livros lançados pela autora, tenho um sentimento totalmente diferente ao reler ?É assim que acaba?. O livro continua sendo um dos meus preferidos; o Atlas continua sendo o amor da minha vida; e eu continuo admirando a força e coragem da Lily. Mas, durante a releitura pude ver, desde o primeiro capítulo, atitudes, falas e posicionamentos extremamente agressivos e abusivo... leia mais


Avaliações 4.4 / 3.982
ranking 66
ranking 22
ranking 9
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
12/10/2015 12:09:02
editou em:
12/03/2021 15:32:48

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