The Hollow Boy

The Hollow Boy Jonathan Stroud


The Hollow Boy (Lockwood & Co. #3)

As a supernatural outbreak baffles Scotland Yard and causes protests against the psychic agencies throughout London, Lockwood and Co. continue to demonstrate their effectiveness in exterminating spirits.

Anthony is dashing, George insightful, and Lucy dynamic, while the skull in the jar utters sardonic advice from the sidelines. There is a new spirit of openness between the team now that Anthony has shared his childhood story, and Lucy is feeling more and more like her true home is at Portland Row. It comes as a great shock, then, when Lockwood and George introduce her to an annoyingly perky and hyper-efficient new assistant, Holly Munro. Meanwhile, there are reports of many new hauntings, including an old school where bloody handprints and a glowing boy are appearing. But ghosts seem to be the least of Lockwood and Co.'s concerns when a living assassin makes an attempt on Fittes's and Rotwell's lives.

Can the team get past their interpersonal issues to save the day on all fronts? Danger abounds, tensions escalate, and new loyalties form in this third delightfully terrifying adventure.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto

Edições (2)

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The Hollow Boy
The Hollow Boy


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Resenhas para The Hollow Boy (12)

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on 7/4/23

Até uns 50% eu tinha certeza de que ia avaliar em 3 estrelas, aí começou a ficar mais legal e eu pensei hmmm vale 3.5, mas não teve outra, no momento em que eu li "whatever the cost, as long as you?re in my company, be sure i'll always be there for you", virou um 4 estrelas simmmmmm o livro poderia ter metade das páginas? sim! mas é interessante pensar que nesse livro a gente tem acesso as inseguranças da lucy, o que acaba "consumindo" mais espaço queria falar do lockwood mas tudo ... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 68
ranking 66
ranking 28
ranking 6
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07/05/2015 20:42:20

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