The Good Luck of Right Now

The Good Luck of Right Now Matthew Quick


The Good Luck of Right Now

For thirty-eight years, Bartholomew Neil has lived with his mother. When she gets sick and dies, he has no idea how to be on his own. His redheaded grief counselor, Wendy, says he needs to find his flock and leave the nest. But how does a man whose whole life has been grounded in his mom, Saturday mass, and the library learn how to fly?

Bartholomew thinks he's found a clue when he discovers a "Free Tibet" letter from Richard Gere hidden in his mother's underwear drawer. In her final days, mom called him Richard—there must be a cosmic connection. Believing that the actor is meant to help him, Bartholomew awkwardly starts his new life, writing Richard Gere a series of highly intimate letters. Jung and the Dalai Lama, philosophy and faith, alien abduction and cat telepathy, the Catholic Church and the mystery of women are all explored in his soul-baring epistles. But mostly the letters reveal one man's heartbreakingly earnest attempt to assemble a family of his own.

A struggling priest, a "Girlbrarian," her feline-loving, foul-mouthed brother, and the spirit of Richard Gere join the quest to help Bartholomew. In a rented Ford Focus, they travel to Canada to see the cat Parliament and find his biological father... and discover so much more.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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The Good Luck Of Right Now
The Good Luck of Right Now
The Good Luck of Right Now


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Resenhas para The Good Luck of Right Now (8)

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The good luck of right now
on 22/5/21

(4,5) Simplesmente amei! Assim como em "O lado bom da vida", adorei a maneira como o Matthew escreve do ponto de vista de personagens desajustados, "fora da caixa", de maneira sensível, inteligente, doce e engraçada, mas também fazendo pensar. Me identifico muito com o tipo de humor que ele usa na sua escrita, os capítulos que ele escreve fluem rapidamente e de maneira natural. Bartholomew é um protagonista apaixonante e excepcional e os personagens secundários renderam boas risadas... leia mais


Avaliações 4.1 / 44
ranking 45
ranking 32
ranking 18
ranking 5
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
13/10/2013 16:56:45
editou em:
09/10/2021 12:27:08

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