True History of the Kelly Gang

True History of the Kelly Gang Peter Carey


True History of the Kelly Gang

The international bestseller and winner of the 2001 Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for Best Book.

Out of 19th century Australia rides a hero of his people and a man for all nations: Ned Kelly, the son of poor Irish immigrants, viewed by the authorities as a thief (especially of horses) and, as a cold-blooded killer. To the people, though, he was a patriot hounded unfairly by rich English landlords and their stooges. In the end, Kelly and his so-called gang (his younger brother and two friends) led a massive police manhunt on a wild goose chase that lasted twenty months, in which Ned’s talents as a bushman were augmented by bank robberies and the support of nearly everyone not in a uniform. His one demand – for which he would have surrendered himself was his jailed mother’s freedom.

Executed by hanging more than a century ago, speaking as if from the grave, Kelly still resonates as the most potent legend in the land down under.

Romance / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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True History Of The Kelly Gang
True History of the Kelly Gang


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Resenhas para True History of the Kelly Gang (1)

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“Eu era o terror do governo ganhando vida no caldeirão da morte.”

Essa não é uma leitura fácil. Digo isso, principalmente pela escolha narrativa do autor, Peter Carey, que opta em transcrever os recortes importantes da vida de Kelly através de uma narrativa em primeira pessoa, intimista e que se assemelha a um “monólogo”. O que temos então, é uma trama que preza pela crueza linguística do narrador para causar uma sensação de veracidade. Entretanto, por ser uma escrita sem pontuações e com excesso de detalhes atmosféricos, a obra se torna enfad... leia mais


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01/04/2019 09:41:51

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