Mayhem At Prescott High

Mayhem At Prescott High C.M. Stunich


Mayhem At Prescott High (The Havoc Boys #3)

There’s one girl you don’t mess with at Prescott High, not unless you want them to come for you.
Those dirty, rotten Havoc Boys might be a gang to everyone else, but they’re family to me.
My f*ckbuddy. My first love. My husband. My challenger. My confidante.

There’s trouble brewing in the halls of our high school, and it’s spilling into the streets.
Once upon a time, Havoc held Prescott in an iron grip.
But for senior year, we want the whole goddamn city.

This year, we’ll have to drop bodies if we want to own the underground.
Good thing that’s something we excel at.
The Havoc Boys are artists, their brushes made of bone, their paint a brilliant ruby red.

One Havoc Girl for five Havoc Boys.
I wear the crown; I warm their beds; I hold their leashes.
We’re going to take back our school, our city, our lives—I’m just praying to whatever vengeful god will listen that the price for all of that doesn’t cost me a letter in our dark acronym.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Mayhem At Prescott High


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Havoc at Prescott High
Chaos at Prescott High
Anarchy at Prescott High
Victory at Prescott High

Resenhas para Mayhem At Prescott High (62)

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on 10/4/22

O livro inicia com a lua de mel da Bernadette e do Victor após uma série de acontecimentos do último volume como mais nomes riscados da lista de vingança da protagonista e a rixa entre as gangues de Prescott High. Como nos outros livros a letra H está em destaque levando a crer que teríamos mais de Hael Harbin o que de fato não aconteceu. Hael é o garoto que se esconde através dos sorrisos falsos e frases sarcásticas, e que cuida de sua mãe com doença mental e odeia seu pai abusivo. A... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 821
ranking 39
ranking 38
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ranking 3
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
22/07/2020 02:20:42
Brenda Miranda
editou em:
07/01/2021 12:47:31

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