The Reaper

The Reaper RuNyx


The Reaper (Dark Verse #2)

An Enemies to Lovers Dark Romance

What happens when the untameable wind and the endless sea collide in the dark of the night?

Tristan ‘The Predator’ Caine had been unprepared for Morana Vitalio. After spending his entire life with a vow he broke on a rainy night, he finds himself torn in a battle between his painful past and an uncertain future. The only thing he knows? Her life still belongs to him.

For Morana, the line between enemies and allies has blurred. Everything she once held dear to her has disintegrated and the unknown gapes at her, leaving her with both her freedom and life on the line in enemy territory. The only thing she knows? His life has always belonged to her.

With twenty years of history tying them to each other, Tristan and Morana begin their hunt for the truth together. And they realize that the mystery of the missing girls is just the tip of the iceberg.

Skeletons are uncovered. Dominoes begin to fall.

A storm is born.

Romance / Romance policial

Edições (2)

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The Reaper
The Reaper


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Ele seria a ruína dela. E ela o arruinaria de volta.
on 12/8/22

O enredo que o livro traz é muito bom, tem romance, um pouco de suspense e planos bem elaborados. Tudo tá bem planejado e não vi nenhum furo na história, e o mistério prende muito também. Eu já imaginava quem tava por trás do mistério das meninas desaparecida e o porquê. Mas não deixou de ser bom, e teve muito outros fatores que deixaram ainda mais interessante esse mistério e todo o suspense. A escritora aborda um tema muito pesado de forma clara sem romantização. Foi um livro lent... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 1.829
ranking 52
ranking 35
ranking 10
ranking 2
ranking 0



Bia Duarte
cadastrou em:
06/07/2020 10:24:02
editou em:
03/02/2023 16:18:55

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