As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow

As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow Zoulfa Katouh


As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow

Salama Kassab was a pharmacy student when the cries for freedom broke out in Syria. She still had her parents and her big brother; she still had her home. She had a normal teenager’s life.

Now Salama volunteers at a hospital in Homs, helping the wounded who flood through the doors daily. Secretly, though, she is desperate to find a way out of her beloved country before her sister-in-law, Layla, gives birth. So desperate, that she has manifested a physical embodiment of her fear in the form of her imagined companion, Khawf, who haunts her every move in an effort to keep her safe.

But even with Khawf pressing her to leave, Salama is torn between her loyalty to her country and her conviction to survive. Salama must contend with bullets and bombs, military assaults, and her shifting sense of morality before she might finally breathe free. And when she crosses paths with the boy she was supposed to meet one fateful day, she starts to doubt her resolve in leaving home at all.

Soon, Salama must learn to see the events around her for what they truly are—not a war, but a revolution—and decide how she, too, will cry for Syria’s freedom.

Fantasia / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

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As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow


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melhor livro que eu já li na minha vida
on 23/1/23

não existem palavras suficientes capazes de descrever tudo que eu senti lendo esse livro, então eu vou ser bem breve. quando a gente pensa sobre a guerra da síria é muito comum pensarmos em política e os parâmetros mundiais e pouco é mostrado/falado das pessoas que vivem lá. esse livro é sobre as pessoas. e além de falar de guerra, luto, trauma e as lutas diárias de quem vive lá, esse livro vai falar sobre amor e a esperança que crescem no solo sírio. é sobre viver e não só morrer. ... leia mais


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