Love me tender

Love me tender Constance Debré


Love me tender

A memoir of lesbian identity and motherhood, and the societal pressures that place them in opposition.

The daughter of an illustrious French family whose members include a former Prime Minister, a model, and a journalist, Constance Debré abandoned her marriage and legal career in 2015 to write full-time and begin a relationship with a woman. Her transformation from affluent career woman to broke single lesbian was chronicled in her 2018 novel Play boy, praised by Virginie Despentes for its writing that is at once “flippant and consumed by anxiety.”

In Love Me Tender, Debré goes on to further describe the consequences of that life-changing decision. Her husband, Laurent, seeks to permanently separate her from their eight-year old child. Vilified in divorce court by her ex, she loses custody of her son, allowed to see him only once every two weeks for a supervised hour. Deprived of her child, Debré gives up her two-bedroom apartment and bounces between borrowed apartments, hotel rooms, and a studio the size of a cell. She involves herself in brief affairs with numerous women who vary in age, body type, language, and lifestyle. But the closer she gets to them, the more distant she feels. Apart from cigarettes and sex, her life is completely ascetic: a regime of intense reading and writing, interrupted only by sleep and athletic swimming. She shuns any place where she might observe children, avoiding playgrounds and parks “as if they were cluster bombs ready to explode, riddling her body with pieces of shrapnel.”


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Love Me Tender
Love me tender


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on 15/1/23

"I think about you. But I don't say it anymore."- Duras Pensei neste trecho de Hiroshima Mon Amour, enquanto lia esta autoficcao desta escritora que não conhecia,nesta obra ela revela sua "liberação " aos 40 anos ,sexual ao se assumir lésbica, ou de transformação, ao desamarrar-se de sua antiga vida e trabalho que inclue marido e filho. Este último é um processo de luto e discordância psicológica sobre papel maternal que achei genuíno. Este tema maternidade me irrita muito em liter... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
15/01/2023 11:56:07
editou em:
15/01/2023 11:57:29

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