Prince of Thorns and Nightmares

Prince of Thorns and Nightmares Linsey Miller


Prince of Thorns and Nightmares (Disney Princes #2)

Prince Phillip's known from a young age that his destiny has already been decided for him by his father, King Stefan. His job is to smile and wave for the crowd and ride off into the sunset with his predetermined fiancé, Princess Aurora, after her curse is lifted on her sixteenth birthday. But just days before Aurora's birthday party, Phillip experiences a strange burst of magic, and three fairies tell him that he is part of a prophecy set to defeat Maleficent, the Mistress of All Evil. Suddenly Phillip feels as if he has a choice--maybe magic can be the freedom he has been looking for.

Although, having magic and working with fairies to retrieve powerful ancient artifacts would be much more enjoyable if he didn't have to deal with her every night, a girl named Briar Rose who appears in his dreams on the other side of a mystical thorn maze. Phillip doesn't know how he can be so annoyed by a person he can't even see but having to hear the mysterious maiden's laughs and jabs at him every time he goes to sleep is worse than any nightmare. But Phillip is starting to realize that Briar Rose isn't so different from himself, and maybe they can change both of their fates one dream at a time.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Prince of Thorns and Nightmares


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Resenhas para Prince of Thorns and Nightmares (2)

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Que livro minha gente ??
on 29/1/24

Mais uma vez Linsey Miller não me decepcionou nem um pouquinho. Eu sempre amei o filme ?A Bela Adormecida?, então pra mim essa leitura era exatamente aquilo que eu estava precisando, o filme é um clássico e é aquele clássico que te traz CONFORTO que na minha visão é a melhor forma para explicar esse livro!!! A descrição dos personagens é maravilhosa, as cenas de ação, romance, tristeza, absolutamente tudo é maravilhoso!!! Esse livro me fez surtar de tantas maneiras e fazia tempo que e... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 9
ranking 56
ranking 33
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ranking 11
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Lucas Carty | @panteaodehistorias
cadastrou em:
12/01/2023 15:49:22
Lucas Carty | @panteaodehistorias
editou em:
12/01/2023 15:49:49

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