The American Roommate Experiment

The American Roommate Experiment V. Deveroux
Elena Armas


The American Roommate Experiment

A Novel

Rosie Graham has a problem. A few, actually. She just quit her well paid job to focus on her secret career as a romance writer. She hasn't told her family and now has terrible writer's block. Then, the ceiling of her New York apartment literally crumbles on her. Luckily she has her best friend Lina's spare key while she's out of town. But Rosie doesn't know that Lina has already lent her apartment to her cousin Lucas, who Rosie has been stalking--for lack of a better word--on Instagram for the last few months. Lucas seems intent on coming to her rescue like a Spanish knight in shining armor. Only this one strolls around the place in a towel, has a distracting grin, and an irresistible accent. Oh, and he cooks.
Lucas offers to let Rosie stay with him, at least until she can find some affordable temporary housing. And then he proposes an outrageous experiment to bring back her literary muse and meet her deadline: He'll take her on a series of experimental dates meant to jump-start her romantic inspiration. Rosie has nothing to lose. Her silly, online crush is totally under control--but Lucas's time in New York has an expiration date, and six weeks may not be enough, for either her or her deadline.

Erótico / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Línguas Estrangeiras / Romance

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The American Roommate Experiment


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on 10/11/23

Que perfeição de livro, sério Assim como farsa de amor na Espanha, eu chorei, ri, e senti todos os sentimentos com os personagens. Talvez eu esteja determinada a ler tudo o que a Elena escrever a partir de agora. O único minúsculo defeito foi que entre os 50 e 70% eu achei meio lento, nada que comprometeu o ritmo de leitura, mas poucas coisas aconteceram em comparação com o começo e definitivamente em comparação com o final do livro. Mesmo assim vai ser favoritado, Rosie e Lucas tem to... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 38
ranking 50
ranking 34
ranking 13
ranking 3
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
25/11/2022 17:00:22
editou em:
25/11/2022 17:01:05

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