The Neighbor Favor

The Neighbor Favor Kristina Forest


The Neighbor Favor

A shy bookworm enlists her charming neighbor to help her score a date, not knowing he’s the obscure author she’s been corresponding with, in this sparkling and heart-fluttering romance by Kristina Forest.

Shy, bookish, and admittedly awkward, Lily Greene has always felt inadequate compared to the rest of her accomplished family, who strive for Black excellence. She dreams of becoming a children’s books editor, but she’s been frustratingly stuck in the nonfiction division for years without a promotion in sight. Lily finds escapism in her correspondences with her favorite fantasy author, and what begins as two lonely people connecting over email turns into a tentative friendship and possibly something else Lily won’t let herself entertain—until he ghosts her without a word.

Months later, Lily is still crushed, but she’s determined to get a hold of her life, starting with finding a date to her sister’s wedding. And the perfect person to help her is Nick Brown, her charming, attractive new neighbor, who she feels drawn to for reasons she can’t explain. But little does she know, Nick is an author—her favorite fantasy author.

Nick, who has his reasons for using a pen name and pushing people away, soon realizes that the beautiful, quiet girl from down the hall is the same Lily he fell in love with over email months ago. Unwilling to complicate things even more between them, he agrees to set her up with someone else, though this simple favor between two neighbors is anything but—not when he can't get her off his mind...

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Neighbor Favor


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Um favorzinho do vizinho

Resenhas para The Neighbor Favor (8)

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"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. Everyone is different [...] You're special too

Eu não entendi bem as reviews negativas sobre esse livro, mas só de não ter o término no terceiro ato já ganhou demais comigo. Lily e Nick são bem fofos e foi legal acompanhar o desenvolvimento do relacionamento, da amizade virtual pra real para namoro. Também tiveram um bom crescimento, especialmente Nick. Espero que a autora escreva uma história para cada uma das irmãs da Lily pois elas merecem.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 41
ranking 12
ranking 51
ranking 27
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cadastrou em:
12/06/2022 10:46:30
editou em:
31/08/2022 02:45:11

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