The Whispering Dark

The Whispering Dark Kelly Andrew


The Whispering Dark

The Raven Boys meets Ninth House in the most exciting debut of 2022 -- a dark, atmospheric fantasy about a Deaf college student with a peculiar connection to the afterlife.

Delaney Meyers-Petrov is tired of being seen as fragile just because she's Deaf. So when she's accepted into a prestigious program at Godbole University that trains students to slip between parallel worlds, she's excited for the chance to prove herself. But her semester gets off to a rocky start as she faces professors who won't accommodate her disability, and a pretentious upperclassman fascinated by Delaney's unusual talents.

Colton Price died when he was nine years old. Quite impossibly, he woke several weeks later at the feet of a green-eyed little girl. Now, twelve years later, Delaney Meyers-Petrov has stumbled back into his orbit, but Colton's been ordered to keep far away from the new girl... and the voices she hears calling to her from the shadows.

Delaney wants to keep her distance from Colton -- she seems to be the only person on campus who finds him more arrogant than charming -- yet after a Godbole student turns up dead, she and Colton are forced to form a tenuous alliance, plummeting down a rabbit-hole of deeply buried university secrets. But Delaney and Colton discover the cost of opening the doors between worlds when they find themselves up against something old and nameless, an enemy they need to destroy before it tears them -- and their forbidden partnership -- apart.

Fantasia / Jovem adulto

Edições (1)

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The Whispering Dark


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The Raven Boys
Ninth House
The Witchwood Knot

Resenhas para The Whispering Dark (0)

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on 3/12/22

adoro essa vibe dark academia com fantasia acho que é uma das melhores combinações. gostei, por ser um livro único ele é curto e a história não se extende muito, mas foi bom para um livro de estréia e etc!... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.2 / 7
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ranking 29
ranking 71
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cadastrou em:
16/04/2022 21:39:07
editou em:
16/04/2022 21:39:21

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