Violeta: A Novel (English Edition)

Violeta: A Novel (English Edition) Isabel Allende


Violeta: A Novel (English Edition)

Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first girl in a family of five boisterous sons. From the start, her life will be marked by extraordinary events, for the ripples of the Great War are still being felt, even as the Spanish flu arrives on the shores of her South American homeland almost at the moment of her birth.

Through her father's prescience, the family will come through that crisis unscathed, only to face a new one as the Great Depression transforms the genteel city life she has known. Her family loses all and is forced to retreat to a wild and beautiful but remote part of the country. There, she will come of age, and her first suitor will come calling. . . .

She tells her story in the form of a letter to someone she loves above all others, recounting devastating heartbreak and passionate affairs, times of both poverty and wealth, terrible loss and immense joy. Her life will be shaped by some of the most important events of history: the fight for women's rights, the rise and fall of tyrants, and, ultimately, not one but two pandemics.

Told through the eyes of a woman whose unforgettable passion, determination, and sense of humor will carry her through a lifetime of upheaval, Isabel Allende once more brings us an epic that is both fiercely inspiring and deeply emotional.

Drama / Ficção

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Violeta: A Novel (English Edition)


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Uma biografia ficcional
on 15/7/23

Esse é um daqueles livros que fica melhor quando você termina, pq pode parecer, em algumas partes, maçante durante a leitura, mas no final vale tudo a pena. É a história de uma mulher que viveu por 100 anos e conta isso de uma maneira autobiográfica em formato de cartas. Ver uma vida inteira assim te faz próximo dos personagens, como se fossem pessoas reais e se alegra e sofre junto a eles. Muito bom.... leia mais


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