Unholy Night

Unholy Night Karpov Kinrade e Nichole Chase


Unholy Night

A Paranormal Holiday Romance

No one tells you when you’re young that you will outgrow magic. It just happens, so slowly you barely notice it until one day it’s gone. That’s the most tragic part of growing up, I’ve always thought.
And now, as a broke, single mother, it’s my job to create the magic. To preserve it and guard the light of it as I pass the torch to the next generation.
And I’m failing right now.
This has been one of the hardest years of my life. But it’s Christmas Eve and I’m doing my best to make it special for my daughter.
That’s when I hear the voices. Two men downstairs arguing.
One is a solid Santa cosplay winner, down to the glint of glee in his eyes.
The other man… he is all darkness, hard sexy angles and eyes that suck in my very soul.
And they are both about to change my life forever.

I will not lose this. One night a year I leave all the stench of fear and pain, and revel in the magic of the human plane while making a few kids happy. Even if it’s a little unorthodox.
Of course, I also enjoy the irony of it all.
The letter was clearly addressed to me, not Santa. The old elf is at the wrong house.
In years past, the overgrown elf and I would just squabble a little and move on. I never could have anticipated he would quit his job and leave me with the responsibility of saving Christmas.
I’m Satan. I don’t exactly have a barn full of reindeer. And if I did, they would most likely be food for my demons, not to use as transportation. Thus begins the strangest Christmas Eve of my very long life.
With the help of a sinfully sexy woman who has no idea how magical she truly is, I’m going to make Christmas happen. And maybe show that red obsessed elf a thing or two.


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Unholy Night


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Muito bom
on 22/3/22

Eu amei a conexão do casal, a tensão, a expectativa é demais! É um livro bem rápido, curtinho e valeu super a pena a leitura, não tem como não gostar do rei do inferno.... leia mais


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Brenda Miranda
cadastrou em:
27/12/2021 09:22:53
Brenda Miranda
editou em:
27/12/2021 09:44:56

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