Hard as Rock

Hard as Rock Stephanie West


Hard as Rock (Khargals of Duras #2)

After the loss of her parents, Meline scrapes together the cash to take a once-in-a-lifetime trip. Armed with her great-grandfather's journal, retracing her heritage should be exciting, yet she can't shake the frightening feeling someone's been watching her from the moment she arrived in the old city. Then Roc shows up just when she needs him, offering to help. He's sexy-as-sin, wealthy, and well-connected, but there's something he's hiding.Roc needs to locate his Khargal sire's lost sigil before all hell breaks loose, and Meline holds a journal with the answers. After centuries of "liberating" art, he's never thought twice about lying or stealing, but when the captivating woman appears at the site where his father's buried, he hesitates. Something about her has gotten underneath his stoney exterior, and he doesn't know what to do.When a clandestine group hunting the sigil emerges, Roc and Meline must face them together before the sigil turns everything to ash. Yet the challenge may not be finding the sigil so much as breaking down the wall guarding Roc's heart.----------Hard as Rock is a standalone novel part of the collaborative series the Khargals of Duras.A thousand years ago, a Khargal scouting party left Duras, only to crash on a planet called Earth.Injured and outnumbered, the stranded Khargals hid among stone effigies and observed the slow evolution of the planet's primitive inhabitants. With no means of returning to Duras, they watched from their shadowy perches and faded into legend, becoming the mythical gargoyles. Until today. Long after any hope for rescue had died, the distress signal has finally been answered. It's time to go home.

Ficção científica / Romance

Edições (1)

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Hard as Rock


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Resenhas para Hard as Rock (2)

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on 3/11/21

Durante séculos os Khargals feridos e em menor número, ficaram encalhados na Terra, para esconder quem realmente são eles se passaram por efígies de pedra e observaram a lenta evolução dos habitantes primitivos do planeta. Sem meios de retornar a Duras, eles assistiram de seus poleiros sombrios e desapareceram na lenda, tornando-se as gárgulas míticas. Roc é metade humano, metade khargal, ele nunca conseguiu se encaixar em nenhuma das espécies. Para sobreviver ele se tornou um lad... leia mais


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