In Scandal They Wed

In Scandal They Wed Sophie Jordan


In Scandal They Wed (Penwich School for Virtuous Girls #2)

What kind of woman would marry a man she only just met?

The kind with nothing to lose.

Long ago, Evelyn Cross sacrificed her good name, her freedom, and any hope for love. Now, in the remote English countryside, she struggles to survive and avoid the scandal threatening to destroy all she holds dear . . . until a sinfully handsome viscount arrives on her doorstep, offering marriage, salvation, and tempting her with so much more . . .

What kind of man would marry a woman he only just met?

The kind bound by duty.

Fresh from war, Spencer Lockhart returns home to claim his title and right the wrong his cousin perpetrated upon Evelyn Cross. In need of a wife, his marrying her is a small price to pay for duty. But when he meets her, the fiery chit is not what he expects to find in a ruined lady. As desire flares hotly between them, honor is the last thing on his mind . . .

What kind of man and woman would marry when they've only just met?

The kind who could ignite a scandal with just one touch.


Edições (1)

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In Scandal They Wed


Resenhas para In Scandal They Wed (2)

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on 9/10/20

Continuando a sequência da trilogia Penwich da Sophie Jordan, que tem uma escrita bem agradável na minha opinião, tornando os seus livros uma leitura fácil e rápida, por serem livros curtos e para quem é um leitor afoito - que não guarda almoço para a janta, como diria minha avó - é um pulo. Você não vai encontrar um enredo tão profundo e cheio de tretas sabe? É uma leitura de “desejo” rápido que leva a um amor, mas são história gostosas de acompanhar, e sempre vai ter um “ápice” par... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 13
ranking 8
ranking 46
ranking 31
ranking 8
ranking 8



Aline Maziero
cadastrou em:
11/05/2020 18:39:07
Aline Maziero
editou em:
17/06/2020 10:40:21

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