Music of the Night

Music of the Night Angela J. Ford


Music of the Night (Tower Knights #1)

A Gothic Romance

A haunted tower, a mysterious instructor and the lure of the music of the night. . .

After the death of her father, Aria is left penniless and destitute. To avoid working the streets she becomes the ward of a Count and moves to a remote town called High Tower.

High Tower is a gloomy place with one vivid attraction: the theater. Lords and ladies come from afar to be seduced by a night of unforgettable entertainment.

Many are warned to stay away from High Tower’s dangerous enchantments, but it’s a warning Aria is forced to ignore. Determined to take her life back into her hands, she and the Count make a deal. She can avoid an arranged marriage if she learns to sing for him.

When Aria stumbles across a mysterious man in a dark tower, she begs to learn the power of song from him. Although reluctant, the man agrees to teach her the music of the night. Between midnight meetings and emotional singing lessons, Aria falls in love with her alluring instructor despite his shadowy past.

But something deadly stirs, awoken by the desire of its master.

Evenings reveries become haunted with terror, blood and murder. Rumors claim the man in the tower in behind the madness that haunts High Tower, a truth Aria is loathe believe. For she just gained the desire of her heart.

What she doesn’t know is that her haunted instructor intends to use her for his own purposes. . .

Music of the Night is a complete, stand-alone novel inspired by Phantom of the Opera. Perfect for fans of dark and steamy fantasy romance.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (1)

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Music of the Night


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on 28/8/21

Comecei sem entender nada e terminei na mesmakkkkk. Fui ler só pq foi inspirado no fantasma da ópera e a capa era bonita e assim gente achei bem meh, mais ou menooos. A personagem principal é bem ok nada uau e o par romântico misterioso achei fraquinho, sabe? A história em si não tem muito sustância, o world building é zero, mas até que fiquei no clima fantasmagórico da leitura, o final foi bem fraco e não me satisfez tanto. O bom é que da pra ler bem rapidinho sem compromisso pra dist... leia mais


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18/03/2021 21:47:55

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