Little Darlings

Little Darlings Melanie Golding


Little Darlings

Everyone says Lauren Tranter is exhausted, that she needs rest. And they’re right; with newborn twins, Morgan and Riley, she’s never been more tired in her life. But she knows what she saw: that night, in her hospital room, a woman tried to take her babies and replace them with her own...creatures. Yet when the police arrived, they saw no one. Everyone, from her doctor to her husband, thinks she’s imagining things.

A month passes. And one bright summer morning, the babies disappear from Lauren’s side in a park. But when they’re found, something is different about them. The infants look like Morgan and Riley—to everyone else. But to Lauren, something is off. As everyone around her celebrates their return, Lauren begins to scream, These are not my babies.

Determined to bring her true infant sons home, Lauren will risk the unthinkable. But if she’s wrong about what she saw...she’ll be making the biggest mistake of her life.

Compulsive, creepy, and inspired by some of our darkest fairy tales, Little Darlings will have you checking—and rechecking—your own little ones. Just to be sure. Just to be safe.

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Little Darlings


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“...Escolha um ou eu levo os dois...” Thriller instigante e bem sombrio!
on 23/9/19

Quando eu peguei esse livro pra ler eu sabia que ele era sombrio, mas não pensei que ele beirasse ao terror, em muitos momentos você fica na duvida se esta lendo algo sobrenatural ou não, não vou dizer se é ou não é, porque a graça da historia esta justamente aí, eu diria que é um thriller psicológico dark. A trama vai relatar a história de uma mãe que acabou de dar à luz a um par de gêmeos, acontece que uma mulher bem esquisita parecendo a garota do filme “O chamado” aparece a noit... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
01/05/2021 11:13:28
Jaque - Achei o Livro
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01/05/2021 11:13:55

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