Kings of Lockdown

Kings of Lockdown Caroline Peckham
Susanne Valenti


Kings of Lockdown (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #2)

Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #2

The sex tape
The fish stew
The Unspeakables
The storm
The font
The bathtub
The ice
The gun
The clothes
The humiliation
The shower
The letters

I had my chance to run from these brutal boys and I didn't take it. The bonds between us are too strong now. Bonds of blood, oaths, betrayal and vengeance. And I intend to make good on all of them. I've made my list. And I won't stop until each and every one of their crimes has been paid for.

Divide and conquer. We're going to tear them apart from the inside out. I won't quit until I've had my pound of flesh and then some. These broken boys paint themselves up as kings and stand themselves on a pedestal above everybody else. But that only means they've got further to fall. And they're going to fall hard.

I know their strength now, but I've learned their weaknesses too. And I might just be becoming their greatest one. My father taught me how to survive, and it's time to use everything I know about predators to lure them into my own trap.

Lies, betrayal, seduction. I'll use every weapon at my disposal to bring them to their knees and once I'm done with them, they won't own me.

I'll own them.

This is book 2 in a dark romance series with love-hate themes, scenes of intense bullying, sexual scenes and may have triggers for some readers. It is a reverse harem which means the main character will end up with multiple partners.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Kings of Lockdown


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on 4/3/22

Gente esse livro foi cheio de altos e baixos. E ela também é muito fácil de deixar levar por eles, cada cena que permitia que eles fizessem o que queriam com ela, eu quase perdoei o Blake e o Kiyan, Monroe nunca errou. Mas o Saint foi incrível, eu sou doida pq eu gostei de como os pensamentos dele foram abordados vez parecer muito angustiante( tenho quase certeza que ele é esquesofrenico kakaka) E esse final!!!! Caramba, foi de zero a cem muito rápido, eu sofri com ela e ainda espero m... leia mais


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ranking 38
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cadastrou em:
16/09/2021 21:55:25
editou em:
10/12/2022 11:54:51

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