Kings of Anarchy

Kings of Anarchy Caroline Peckham
Susanne Valenti


Kings of Anarchy (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #3)

Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #3

My father always taught me to take care of myself.
He made me strong, cunning and calculating.
But my Brutal Boys made me unbreakable.

Have you ever heard the saying that it takes one to know one? Because from the very first moment I met the men I've claimed as my tribe, I knew that I was looking into the faces of monsters.

And that really should have been all it took for me to know that I was one too.

Hiding beneath my skin isn't an innocent girl, waiting for someone to ride in on a white horse and rescue me from my demons.

So I think it's time I showed the world my claws.
I'm sick of people thinking they own me.
My Night Keepers and now the members of this twisted club all need to learn a lesson in that.

I'm not a doll made to dance to their tune, I'm not a puppet intended to play a part and I'm certainly no plaything to be used and destroyed. I'm a warrior with a goal of my own.

And everyone who wants to stand in my way had better get used to the idea of falling to ruin at my feet.

When everything you thought you could rely on is ripped away from you, you have no choice but to find out what you're truly made of. And deep down in the depths of my soul, I know that I was made to survive.

I have suffered through torment, fought against my oppressors and tamed the creatures who tried to bury me in the dark. It's time that everyone stopped underestimating me.

I'm done being a queen without a crown.

I'm ready for my coronation.

**This is a dark bully romance where the girl will end up with more than one love interest! This series is not for the faint of heart and if you have triggers then this might not be the book for you.**

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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?Você pode beijar minha esposa se quiser.? ?
on 6/2/23

"Blake era meu conforto, Monroe minha rocha, Kyan minha força, mas Saint? Saint era minha liberdade." o penúltimo livro da saga BRUTAL Boys of Everlake Prep realmente deixou muito a desejar. tiveram alguns momento em que eu quis abandonar o livro, mas de alguma forma consegui chegar até o final. estava com MUITAS expectativas devido o fim só 2o livro e acho q foi esse o meu erro. ?Você é muito forte.? ?Às vezes eu não quero ser. Eu quero desmoronar, soltar todos os meus pedaços q... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 267
ranking 36
ranking 39
ranking 19
ranking 5
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
16/09/2021 22:00:55
editou em:
10/12/2022 11:54:10

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