Infinite Country

Infinite Country Patricia Engel


Infinite Country

At the dawn of the new millennium, Colombia is a country devastated by half a century of violence. Elena and Mauro are teenagers when they meet, their blooming love an antidote to the mounting brutality of life in Bogotá. Once their first daughter is born, and facing grim economic prospects, they set their sights on the United States.

They travel to Houston and send wages back to Elena’s mother, all the while weighing whether to risk overstaying their tourist visas or to return to Bogotá. As their family expands, and they move again and again, their decision to ignore their exit dates plunges the young family into the precariousness of undocumented status, the threat of discovery menacing a life already strained. When Mauro is deported, Elena, now tasked with caring for their three small children, makes a difficult choice that will ease her burdens but splinter the family even further.

Award-winning, internationally acclaimed author Patricia Engel, herself the daughter of Colombian immigrants and a dual citizen, gives voice to Mauro and Elena, as well as their children, Karina, Nando, and Talia—each one navigating a divided existence, weighing their allegiance to the past, the future, to one another, and to themselves. Rich with Bogotá urban life, steeped in Andean myth, and tense with the daily reality for the undocumented in America, Infinite Country is the story of two countries and one mixed-status family—for whom every triumph is stitched with regret and every dream pursued bears the weight of a dream deferred.


Edições (2)

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Infinite Country
Infinite Country


Resenhas para Infinite Country (3)

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on 27/9/22

Livro muito profundo que nos permite um insight com relação aos sentimentos dos imigrantes entre América Latina e EUA. Poderia ser mais cru na expressão desses sentimentos e, portanto, mais envolvente como no caso dos livros da Chimamanda (impecáveis). Mas não. Eu diria que é um livro muito bom para leitura por adolescentes ou pessoas se iniciando no gênero, mas já tendo contato com semelhantes mais complexos senti que deixa um pouco a desejar.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 14
ranking 43
ranking 43
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