All Roads Lead to Austen

All Roads Lead to Austen Amy Smith


All Roads Lead to Austen

A Year-long Journey with Jane

With a suitcase full of Jane Austen novels en español, Amy Elizabeth Smith set off on a yearlong Latin American adventure: a traveling book club with Jane. In six unique, unforgettable countries, she gathered book-loving new friends— taxi drivers and teachers, poets and politicians— to read Emma, Sense and Sensibility, and Pride and Prejudice.

Whether sharing rooster beer with Guatemalans, joining the crowd at a Mexican boxing match, feeding a horde of tame iguanas with Ecuadorean children, or tangling with argumentative booksellers in Argentina, Amy came to learn what Austen knew all along: that we're not always speaking the same language— even when we're speaking the same language.

But with true Austen instinct, she could recognize when, unexpectedly, she'd found her own Señor Darcy.

All Roads Lead to Austen celebrates the best of what we love about books and revels in the pleasure of sharing a good book— with good friends.

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All Roads Lead to Austen
All Roads Lead to Austen


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Nossa, o tanto que eu amei essa leitura. Amy nos leva por seis países da América Latina com o seu projeto de reunir pessoas para a discussão de livros de Jane Austen. Assim, vamos com ela no seu relato de viagem pelos seis destinos escolhidos: Guatemala, México, Equador, Paraguai, Chile e Argentina. Ela conta como reuniu as pessoas e o que foi discutido em cada grupo, movida por uma curiosidade: será que, assim como os alunos dela nos Estados Unidos, as pessoas daquele país irão traçar... leia mais


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29/09/2012 14:46:03

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