Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights Emily Brontë


Wuthering Heights

One of English literature's classic masterpieces—a gripping novel of love, propriety, and tragedy. Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read

Emily Brontë's only novel endures as a work of tremendous and far-reaching influence. The Penguin Classics edition is the definitive version of the text, edited with an introduction by Pauline Nestor.

Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange, situated on the bleak Yorkshire moors, is forced to seek shelter one night at Wuthering Heights, the home of his landlord. There he discovers the history of the tempestuous events that took place years before. What unfolds is the tale of the intense love between the gypsy foundling Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw. Catherine, forced to choose between passionate, tortured Heathcliff and gentle, well-bred Edgar Linton, surrendered to the expectations of her class. As Heathcliff's bitterness and vengeance at his betrayal is visited upon the next generation, their innocent heirs must struggle to escape the legacy of the past.

In this edition, a new preface by Lucasta Miller, author of The Brontë Myth, looks at the ways in which the novel has been interpreted, from Charlotte Brontë onwards. This complements Pauline Nestor's introduction, which discusses changing critical receptions of the novel, as well as Emily Brontë's influences and background.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (73)

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Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights


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Resenhas para Wuthering Heights (202)

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O morro que gela a alma
on 15/6/21

Finalmente eu li O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes, clássico da literatura mundial e para mim uma total decepção. Ele é muito bem escrito, os personagens são muito bem construídos e isso é evidente em cada página e a Emily Brontë parecia mais uma veterana do que autora de um único livro. Eu digo isso pela crueza, se não crueldade presente em cada página desse romance. Conforme eu lia, eu pensava: como pode duas pessoas que se amam serem tão cruéis assim? Os personagens desse livro ... leia mais

Vídeos Wuthering Heights (1)

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[Eu li] O morro dos ventos uivantes, Emily Brontë

[Eu li] O morro dos ventos uivantes, Emily Br


Avaliações 4.2 / 2.181
ranking 53
ranking 29
ranking 13
ranking 4
ranking 1



Pedro Oliveira
cadastrou em:
14/09/2009 18:55:31
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editou em:
11/06/2021 12:54:26
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11/06/2021 12:55:05

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