Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights Emily Brontë


Wuthering Heights

Catherine Earnshaw, Heathcliff, and the windswept moors that are the setting of their mythic love are as immediately stirring to the reader of today as they have been for every generation of readers since the novel was first published in 1847.
The title of the novel comes from the Yorkshire manor on the moors of the story. The narrative centres on the all-encompassing, passionate, but ultimately doomed love between Catherine and Heathcliff, and how this unresolved passion eventually destroys them and the people around them.
Virginia Woolf said of Emily Brontë that her writing could "make the wind blow and the thunder roar," and so it does in Wuthering Heights. Catherine Earnshaw, Heathcliff, and the windswept moors that are the setting of their mythic love are as immediately stirring to the reader of today as they have been for every generation of readers since the novel was first published in 1847. With an introduction by Katherine Frank.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (73)

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Wuthering Heights
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O morro que gela a alma
on 15/6/21

Finalmente eu li O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes, clássico da literatura mundial e para mim uma total decepção. Ele é muito bem escrito, os personagens são muito bem construídos e isso é evidente em cada página e a Emily Brontë parecia mais uma veterana do que autora de um único livro. Eu digo isso pela crueza, se não crueldade presente em cada página desse romance. Conforme eu lia, eu pensava: como pode duas pessoas que se amam serem tão cruéis assim? Os personagens desse livro ... leia mais

Vídeos Wuthering Heights (1)

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[Eu li] O morro dos ventos uivantes, Emily Brontë

[Eu li] O morro dos ventos uivantes, Emily Br


Avaliações 4.2 / 2.179
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ranking 29
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ranking 1



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11/06/2021 13:44:53
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